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Special Meeting January 23, 2023


JANUARY 23, 2023

Mayor Rob Lessen opened the Special meeting at 6:00 p.m. Pledge of allegiance was stated by all present. Roll call was taken and all the members were present. The Mayor stated that the reason for the special meeting is to discuss the Westland Acres development as well as go over the employee evaluations.

Tom Gorman and Jim Zibert, the engineer was both present to present the hand outs on developing this tract of land. Council discussed the process of the road, Meadowlark Street and the utilities, electric, gas, water and sewer into the commercial district. Richard Kerley stated that with his past work history with the Kansas Gas Service he would make contact with them to get more information on developing the gas service to this area. Rob Lessen felt that the Council should work on the financing of this development and where money will be obtainable.

Carma Burns threw out the question about making the residential area into a solar farm. The question on whether the City has enough acreage required might be a problem, but the answer will not be known until the question is asked. SO First item is to locate funds for the road work in developing Meadowlark Street and Two Gary Pommier will get with Tom Gorman and Chuck Burns on the utility expense in the commercial area of Westland Acres as well as street lighting and also check into the cost of ground level transformers.

Gary Pommier made the motion to go into executive session for 30 minutes with Public Works director Tom Gorman then 30 minutes with Police Chief John Austin and then 30 minutes with City Clerk Bette Lessen to review the employees evaluation forms in each department. Howard Camp seconds the motion. The motion was approved. 7:00 p.m.

Gary Pommier made the motion to go back into regular session at 8:30 p.m. Howard Camp seconds the motion. Motion was approved. The following salary increases were determined:

Tom Gorman, Duane Fleury, and Kevin Goodwin will receive $1.25 an hour increase.

Chuck Burns will receive $2.06 an hour increase.

Pete Stewart will receive $2.50 an hour increase.

Vanessa Kent will receive $1.50 an hour increase.

Bette Lessen, John Austin, and William Dean will receive $1.25 an hour increase.

John Moutz will receive $1.25 increase once he returns from his 14-week training in Hutchinson.

Brody Clark and Cory Strong will receive $1.00 an hour increase.

Part-Time Officers will receive a $3.00 an hour increase.

Motion was made by Gary Pommier to approve all salary increases stated above. Howard Camp seconds the motion. Carma Burns abstained from the vote. The motion was approved.

Bob Lauck made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 p.m. Gary Pommier seconds the motion. The motion was approved.



Bette Lessen, City Clerk