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Regular Business Meeting March 20, 2023


MARCH 20, 2023

Mayor Rob Lessen called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. Carma Burns and Tom Hayes were not present. The minutes from the previous meeting were presented to the City Council. Gary Pommier made the motion to accept the minutes. Howard Camp seconds the motion. The motion was approved. The mayor presented the evenings agenda. Under Unfinished business Item C) West St Project was added. Under New Business Items E) Audit Contract and F) Spill Containment was added. Richard Kerley made the motion to approve the revised agenda. Gary Pommier seconds the motion. The motion was approved.



Mike McLeod handed out his monthly report and reviewed it with the City Council. Mike also requested that the outside lights in the building be replaced with LED's.


Brenda Banks reported on the past months activities that have gone on at the Library. Brenda also reported on the work for the CDBG grant. Brenda requested the Council to approve the engineers expenses with a grant which would be $3200.00. Gary Pommier made the motion to authorize the engineer fees. Bob Lauck seconds the motion. The motion was approved.  The Library Board will hold a meeting on Tuesday.



Tom Gorman presented paperwork to the City Council with the expense of an excavator with a canopy along with bucket options. The total for the package is $65,308.00, plus a trailer that would cost $17,495.00. The City Council will review and discuss at the next meeting.


Rob Lessen presented Ryan Insurance bid for the City's Liability Insurance policy for $44,398.00. Rob Lessen removed himself from the discussion. Gary Pommier asked the Council if there were any further questions or comments on the policy. This 2023 policy is an increase of $6000.00 more than 2022 but this is somewhat due to the City adding the new sub-station. Gary Pommier made the motion to accept the policy from Ryan Ins. Richard Kerley seconds the motion. The motion was approved.


Tom Gorman reported on the issue of the City having to re-locate the water mains due to the widening of the street project. Tom stated that he is still waiting for information for the Council.



Tim Mikurt and Jim Emerson were present to discuss the new radio tower that the county would like to install on the west side of the lagoons. KDHE has approved the tower's installation. The county will also be responsible for the upkeep of the area once the tower is installed. The county would need electricity from the city and over all the tower would need no more than 1 acre Richard Kerley made the motion to allow the installation of the radio tower. Howard Camp seconds the motion. The motion was approved.


Bette Lessen reported that the Zoning Board members voted to have Jeanne Linville added to the board and are asking for the City Councils approval. Gary Pommier made the motion to accept the Zoning Boards recommendation on Jeanne Linville. Howard Camp seconds the motion. The motion was approved.


Chief Austin stated that he had promoted Will Dean to Sargent and would like to increase his salary with a .25cent an hour increase. Gary Pommier stated that he wished the Chief had brought this matter up to the Council when they held discussion on salary increases. Bob Lauck made the motion to give the .25 cent increase to Mr. Dean. Howard Camp seconds the motion. The motion was approved.


Tom Gorman reported that he has been working on new Christmas decorations for the City. Tom stated that he was looking at 20 pole hangers and that at the next meeting he will have more information.


Bette Lessen reported that a 2023 Audit contract from Diehl, Banwart and Bolton has been presented for $6,700.00. Gary Pommier made the motion to accept and sign the contract. Richard Kerley seconds the motion. The motion was approved.


Tom Gorman reported on the gas spill containment area that the City should have installed dealing with runoff issues. Tom presented a couple of options to the Council. Tom recommended the IPI for $1,240.05. Gary Pommier made the motion to approve Tom's recommendation. Howard Camp seconds the motion. The motion was approved.


Richard Kerley stated that he enjoyed having the Council meeting at the Fire Station this evening.

Howard Camp stated that he would not be present for the next meeting due to being out of town.

Gary Pommier stated that he had spoken to Commissioner Moody at the past luncheon about asphalt and Tom told Gary that Arma would be first on the list.


Rob Lessen reported on FEMA paperwork.


Gary Pommier made the motion to purchase the "Christmas Tree" from Strukle's Electric for 900.00. Howard Camp seconds the motion. The motion was approved.

Tom Gorman presented a request for a new Miller welder at $1,553.17 with a cart at 124.00. A total of 1,677.17. Richard Kerley made the motion to allow Tom to purchase the Miller welder and cart for 1,677.17. Howard Camp seconds the motion. The motion was approved.

Richard Kerley made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Gary Pommier seconds the motion. The motion was approved.



Bette Lessen, City Clerk